404 Permitting

A municipality developed a plan for a proposed sewer line project for which FTN provided professional environmental consulting services. Those services included: a delineation of Section 404 waters of the United States, including wetlands; preparation of a Section 404 permit application for submittal to the Little Rock District of the US Army Corps of Engineers; and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System stormwater permitting services, including preparation of a stormwater pollution prevention plan. The project area consisted of a corridor of approximately 21,400 linear feet with a right-of-way width of approximately 20 feet.

The project required a total of 25 stream channel crossings. A total of 0.24 acre of forested wetlands received temporary impacts. Some portions of the project corridor were located within a Federal Emergency Management Agency 100-year floodplain. Following submittal of the Section 404 permit application package, the Corps authorized the project with Nationwide Permit No. 12.