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Water Resources

FTN has an experienced team of professionals who perform a wide variety of water resource services. Our engineers, hydrologists, Certified Floodplain Managers, GIS experts, and other professionals routinely work with federal, state, municipal, and county/parish government agencies, industries, economic development organizations, private landowners, and architectural and engineering firms to solve their water-related challenges. Our firm is known for its innovative, award-winning projects in the water resources field, and we are recognized as the “go to” firm to tackle exceptionally complicated tasks that involve sophisticated hydrologic modeling.


Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling
These mathematical models are used by FTN’s professionals to understand, predict, and manage water resources.
Unsteady Flow/Dam Break Analysis
Our experts use this analysis to predict results if a dam fails.
Flood Insurance Studies/ Flood Mapping
Our firm does flood insurance studies and flood mapping that includes compilation of flood risk data for specific streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal flood hazard areas within a community.
Reservoir Control and Operations Management
FTN has experience developing/coordinating schedules for reservoir project-system regulation to assure project safety and carry out the purpose(s) of the reservoir.
Master Drainage Plans, Ordinances
We have developed comprehensive planning documents for several communities that give basic information and guidance necessary for the stewardship of the storm drainage system.
FTN’s experts can develop efficient irrigation methods that save time, money, and water resources.
Hydraulic Design
We use this mathematical tool to ensure that structures are of sufficient size that natural flooding is not made worse and to know that the structure can withstand the design flood and remain in use.
Detention & Sedimentation Basin Design
Our firm designs these basins, which are used to collect and hold runoff to allow suspended solids to settle out prior to leaving a site.
Drainage & Flood Control Improvement Design
FTN’s experts have designed several projects to reduce flooding in municipalities and in rural areas.
Sediment Transport & Stabilization
We have improved water quality in rivers, creeks, and lakes in a number of different ways, including reducing the amount of sediment that moves into a water body.