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Natural Resources

Government agencies, municipalities, industries, utility companies, and private landowners know they can depend on FTN to provide Natural Resources services that are scientifically sound, cost effective, and will withstand the scrutiny of regulators. Our veteran staff of scientists has the training and the practical field experience to know how to research and address a wide range of environmental compliance issues. Our work that helps clients meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act and other appropriate regulations is highly respected by those we serve and the agencies involved in the decision-making process.


Natural Resource Studies/Planning/Mapping
These efforts often bring together a variety of FTN’s professionals, from scientists to engineers and GIS experts.
Environmental Assessments/Environmental Impact Statements
An Environmental Assessment (EA) is a document prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide adequate analysis to determine whether a proposed project action would represent a major action or a minor action. Major actions require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Minor actions often qualify for a Categorical Exclusion (CE). The NEPA process promotes better informed decisions and public participation and leads to project actions in which environmental effects are fully evaluated.
Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Assessments
FTN performs environmental reviews for clients to determine potential impacts of proposed project actions to T&E and critical habitats. FTN obtains federal permits from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the purpose of conducting T&E species surveys for both terrestrial and aquatic species.
Ecological Studies
An ecological study is an observational study defined by the level at which data are analyzed, namely at the population or group level, rather than the individual organism level. These studies may involve assessment of plant communities and/or animal communities within an ecological system. These studies often are done in support of NEPA projects, T&E species assessments, and other types of projects. FTN has scientists with educational backgrounds and prior project experience who conduct these investigations.
Ecological Risk Assessments
This is the process for evaluating how likely it is that the environment may be impacted as a result of exposure to one or more environmental stressors such as chemicals, land change, disease, invasive species and climate change. FTN professionals are experienced at performing these ecological risk assessments.
Lake Management/Restoration
FTN has undertaken several projects to improve water quality and habitat for fish and to restore lakes.
Coastal Restoration
Our office in Baton Rouge has a team of professionals who often work on projects designed to restore areas along the Gulf Coast.
Former mining sites, whether large or small, often present unique challenges to restore the land, vegetation, and water to its “natural” condition. Our company is recognized as a leader in this challenging work.
Our biologists and scientists are sometimes called upon to do Natural Resource Damage Assessments when an accident or other situation results in fish kills or other biological damage.
Sustainable Site Design
This service identifies the ecological characteristics of a site, determines whether it is appropriate for its proposed use, and designs ways to integrate the building with the site to lessen the environmental impact. We have been doing these types of projects long before it was popular to “go green.”