Since 2005, FTN has been providing engineering and environmental services for a large steel recycler. The company produces carbon and alloy steel bars, sheets beams, joists and joist girders, concrete reinforcing steel, fasteners, etc. We have provided the following services:
- Performed an evaluation of a process wastewater treatment pond, which included a written report with recommended improvements;
- Updated the mill’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan;
- Evaluated the potential of re-using treated process wastewater to achieve a “zero” wastewater discharge; The evaluation determined that it was not feasible.
- Designed and prepared construction drawings for a water re-use system to re-use the facility’s iron filter backwash water as make-up water for the cooling towers (approximately 200,000 gallons per day);
- Designed and prepared construction drawings for a new wastewater collection basin and effluent flow measuring facility that will eventually replace the existing process wastewater pond;
- Updated the mill’s SPCC Plan;
- Updated the mill’s Integrated Contingency Plan;
- Designed best management practices to improve stormwater runoff quality at the mill’s stormwater outfalls; and
- Prepared an NPDES construction permit application for new sludge de-watering facilities for the existing sanitary wastewater treatment plant.