FTN prepared watershed-based management plans for four HUC-8 watersheds in Arkansas. These four watersheds were identified by the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission as priorities for allocation of state and federal funds to address nonpoint sources of pollution impacting water quality.
The four watersheds that were the focus of this project include: Cache River; Strawberry River; Lower Little River; and Buffalo River.
The plans are required by EPA in watersheds where Clean Water Act Section 319 funds are used.
Preparation of the plans involved the following:
- Building local partnerships through hosting a series of public meetings to inform local stakeholders and solicit input regarding issues and how to address them;
- Characterizing the watersheds through review and summarization of existing data and studies addressing water quality, water quantity, biological resources, and watershed geology, geography, and economics;
- Identifying voluntary management practices to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loads with stakeholder input, potential pollutant load reduction, economic and ecosystem service benefits, and funding sources for these practices; and
- Designing implementation programs including schedule, funding sources, outreach, and monitoring.